The Resurgence of HOTS: A look at how CCL and other events have attracted both new and returning players.

Over the past six months, there has been a remarkable uptick in activity and participation in the “HOTS” community. Much of this can be seen in the anecdotal evidence of the influx of new players and positions seeking advice for new and returning players, so I wanted to see if there was any empirical evidence to support the anecdotal evidence using open source data related to this subreddit. It’s not actual gambling data, but I’m assuming that subreddit activity and gambling activity are roughly correlated.

Method: Ideally, Blizzard would publish monthly data on unique users, but that is not the case. I also believe that moderators have access to more specific user data, but I am not a moderator. So my only option is to use the subscriber account, which can be found at, then I manually made a count of the number of active users on subreddit by looking at screenshots at*/ over the last two years. Active users are not unique visitors during a day, but just a snapshot of how many people have a web page open at that time. For the active users, I tried to find screenshots in the evening (GMT) so that both EC and NA are active and hopefully capture the greatest traffic in the subreddit. I also looked at the number of comments/posts/votes per day in the subreddits, but there was no noticeable change that could be a trend, so I didn’t go down that path.

Results: When it was announced in December 2018 that the HGC would be phased out and that there would be a new “cadence,” there was a slight decline in the total number of subscribers, followed by stagnation until August 2020, and then a significant and spectacular increase from that month until today. Until the announcement in December 2018, there were consistently over 2,000 active users at that time, after which there was a steady decline to a low of 700 active users at peak times in 2019-2020. After August 2020, there was then a significant increase, with the number of active users consistently above 1,000 and sometimes well above. The data on the scatterplot is not what I would have presented in my statistics course years ago and there is no clear line of better agreement, but I would say the trend is upward. There would be more certainty if I had more data. These results are also consistent with my personal (anecdotal) observation, I used to look at the number of active users when I logged in and felt comfortable when I saw 700-800, but the last few months there still seem to be >1000, which was one of the triggers for collecting this data.

Conclusion: it may not be a return to the glory days, but HOTS has certainly seen a revival in the past six months. The most notable development would be the start of the Community Collision League (CCL) on August 18, 2020. Overall, some of the recent excitement for HOTS may have come from there:

  1. Community Collision League (CCL) Season 1 – August 20 – January 21
  2. CCL Season 2 – Spring 2021.
  3. Dyrus/MoonMoon/imaqtpie broadcast HOTS with 10K-20K Twitch viewers (HOTS broadcasters typically have a total of 1k-3k viewers, depending on whether Grubby and Fan are streaming) – November 2020.
  4. Amelia Watson hololive headband, multiple broadcasts – November-December 2020.
  5. YouTuber Dunkey ranks HOTS as the #9 game of 2020 – 23Jan2021 (nearly 3 million views).

Granted, I’m a bit of a HOTS homie, so I’m always optimistic and look on the bright side. But no, I don’t expect HOTS to surpass LoL and DOTA next year. I don’t expect HGC to suddenly come back and the whole world to be full of rainbows and butterflies. But I love games, and anything that helps keep games popular is good for me. Finally, I would like to point out that our game clearly has an influx of new players, so please be patient and assume that someone is new to the game rather than assuming they are a troll or just a creep. Retaining new players only helps the game makers and improves the quality of the games in the long run (sarcastic comments about the inb4 game).

Source: Original link

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